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     The doctors told the little girl's parents, Bill and Virginia McTaggart,  to put her away in an institution.   They told Dianne's parents that their daughter was too much for them to handle.   She was born with polio, her legs bent like a frog's, and she was born paralyzed from head to toe.  The doctors never imagined that the little girl would grow up to earn a Master's degree and become a therapist herself, as well as a wife, a mother, a teacher, a performer, and a recording artist.   

     In Somebody Told Me I Could Dianne McTaggart Wall shares the uplifting story of her fight for life and living through the healing power of love and faith.  Her story moves from the early 1950's and the polio epidemic through the present day and the coronavirus pandemic.  It covers Dianne's release from the hospital as an infant, through her upbringing in a 100- year old, three-story house in Iowa, her public school education including two-story schools, her experiences playing softball and learning to drive, and her walking through tunnels in the Iowa winters while she attended the only college in Iowa that had the facilities that allowed her to attend.

     Her story continues with her move to Florida where she earned a Master's degree from Florida State University, practiced Music Therapy, taught Music in the public schools, became a Church Choir Director, married, and had a child.

     Throughout her journey, she was strengthened by others telling her that she could.  Born at a time when there was no vaccine available, her message is clear to children and parents who are living with her though a time of pandemic with vaccines available:  You can.  This is her story of how she did.